Acupuncture is an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has been used for thousands of years to treat a variety of health complaints, and also to help people of maintain their health. It is the most comprehensive, scholarly and completely recorded system of medicine in human history and has meaning and relevance in today’s modern world.
Modern acupuncture draws on the comprehensive knowledge and traditions of the past to bring you a highly effective, gentle and nurturing treatments.
Conditions Treated
Acupuncture is used to treat a wide variety of health concerns including
Mental Health Disorders – Musculoskeletal Disorders and Pain – Infertility (Women + Men) – Painful Periods and Period Problems – Menopause – Inflammatory Bowel Conditions – Sleep Disorders – Migraine and Chronic Headache – Digestive Disorders – Addictions and Unwanted Behaviours
Your First Consultation
The first meeting is an opportunity to explore your concerns in great detail and in the context of your overall health. Our acupuncturists will discuss your Chinese Medicine diagnoses and the proposed treatment plan. Treatment with acupuncture will start at the first appointment. Small, comfortable needles are inserted painlessly into acupuncture points across the body; most people find acupuncture incredibly relaxing and often fall asleep. Depending on the conditions, the benefits of acupuncture can be felt very quickly.
Follow Up
Our acupuncturists will clearly tell you how many treatments they think you will need and the ideal treatment interval. Some people need to come weekly while others may need less frequent treatment. Follow Up treatments are an hour with the majority of that time taken up with having acupuncture in our comfortable treatment rooms.
It’s important to think of acupuncture as a process toward wellness; although some conditions need only one treatment, it is far more common to need a course of treatments.
Your Acupuncture Team
Samantha Hamilton Stent and Netta Murray are our highly qualified and experienced acupuncturists. They take an holistic, gentle and nurturing approach to your treatment and with your health goals firmly in mind, devise a tailored treatment plan to guide you back into health.
Samantha Hamilton Stent
Sian Morriss
More Information & How to Book
You can book acupuncture via this website or by calling reception on 01737 240792
For information on Fertility Acupuncture also see and General Acupuncture