From the Sanskrit AYUR – meaning ‘life’ and VEDA – meaning ‘knowledge’ AYURVEDA quite literally means the knowledge of life and to have an understanding of Ayurveda is to have a blueprint for good mental and physical health.

Ayurveda is one of the world’s older holistic health systems and originates from the Indian Sub-Continent. It is the sister-science of Yoga. Traditionally one is to study Ayurveda first to prepare the body for the spiritual practice of yoga. It has been used for thousands of years to cleans and restore balance to the body and mind.  Despite it being more than 5,000 years old, it couldn’t be more relevant to our modern, busy and often stressful lives.  With cases of chronic conditions such as diabetes, obesity, arthritis, IBS, psoriasis, eczema, infertility, menopause symptoms and depression at an all time high, in Ayurveda we have a natural, gentle and effective solution.

Conditions Treated With Ayurveda

Allergies – Asthma – Insomnia – Digestive Issues + IBS – Fatigue Stress – Infertility – Menstrual Problems – Unwanted Menopause Symptoms – Low Libido – Anxiety – Joint and Back Pain – Eczema – Psoriasis – Weight Loss – Diabetes

The Three Doshas

The three Doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.  They are made up of 5-elements that are found in all living things on earth;  ether, air, fire, water and earth – the building blocks of  all life. Every individual has a unique constitution made up of the Doshas (akin to the western notion of DNA).  You may be 50% Vata, 30% Pitta and 20% Kapha for example.  This is one of the reasons Ayurveda is so unique in its approach.  The treatment given is specific to the individual – this means that what could be a healing diet and likely for one person, could cease illness for someone else.  While it is useful to understand you Dosha and how to eat and live correctly to keep it in balance, if you’re already experiencing symptoms of illness, it means one or more of these Doshas have been disturbed and this is when seeing an Ayurvedic practitioner can help.

What To Expect From Your Ayurvedic Consultation

Because Ayurveda emphasises balance in all areas of life, Claire takes an extensive personal and medical history to better understand many aspects of your life including your diet, professional life and working conditions, relationships, lifestyle and exercise routines.  After the consultation, a selection of Ayurvedic herbs, tonics or oils will often be prescribed for your to take home.  Shortly after, Claire will send you a personalised plant with lifestyle advice tailored to you, details on how to take the herbs and a nutrition sheet of foods to avoid and foods to enjoy as an integral part of your treatment.

Follow Up Consultations

3-4 weeks after your first consultation we meet again to discuss your progress, answer any questions or mange any changes to your personalised plan as necessary.  Herbal supplements will continue to be prescribed for the course of your treatment.  Regular follow-up appointments every 3-6 weeks until you’re ready to gently come off any herbs and we can implement a maintenance plan for you to follow.  The length of your treatment depends on factors such as ow the disease has developed, the type of support you need to incorporate healing changes into your life.

It’s worth remembering tat Ayurveda is never about a quick-fix or papering over the cracks, but correcting and strengthening the foundations for a healthy body and mind, removing the need for long term medication.

Your Ayurvedic Practitioner

Claire Paphitis is a member of the Ayurvedic Practitioners Association and the Complementary Medical Association.  Claire offers a trusted place where you can turn for complete healing of mind, body and soul – a place where you will be heard, understood and given the tools to facilitate healing on many levels.

Claire Paphitis

Ayurvedic Practitioner

More Information & How to Book

Contact Claire at or 07305 573549